Saturday, July 18, 2015

And then we were three

An airport curfew, mum hunting dad down in an unknown restaurant, and a safe arrival

Well hello there. My dad tells a pretty good tale - so below is an extract from his Facebook post, announcing my arrival to the world.
So last November B picks me up after training one Saturday, and I casually suggest we go looking at new cars to replace our aging Mazda Transition Wagon. To my surprise she agreed "...because I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant."
Since that morning our lives have been on a fantastic ride... telling our friends and family each time was a wonderful treat. The journey towards parenthood is full of learning, nervous anticipation and truly shows you how much love and generosity you have surrounding you.
Last night that journey came to a screeching halt, and today the real adventure begins.
With B's due date on the 28th and everyone telling us to expect our first child to be overdue, I flew to Sydney first thing Thursday. This time yesterday I was heading to dinner as part of a 2 day national conference, but anyone who knows me understands my phone was never far away. Fortunately I used it to call B to check in on the way to the restaurant, although 2 hours later in the middle of dinner I didn't hear it ringing in my pocket...

Sure enough my resourceful wife (having just gone into labour at what we had predetermined to be the WORST possible time) looked up restaurants near my Sydney office using the few clues at her disposal [ed note: we were going for chinese, and the restaurant was walking distance from the office] and Urbanspoon (now Zomato), and 15 mins later a waiter comes to the table, saying "Mr (sic), your wife is on the phone."
Cue much excitement from my new bosses and colleagues, and an immediate dash straight to Sydney airport. Yes, Sydney airport - the one with the 10pm curfew. That'd be the one.
Virgin had cancelled an earlier flight, so seats were hard to come by, but with some typically amazing sevice (and an inadvertent promise to name our first daughter Amanda Cherelle after my saviours at the VA service desk) I had a boarding pass for the last flight of the day. In the first row, so I could be off the plane and in a cab before the rear doors were even opened.
I can't say how lucky and grateful I am to all involved, as the way Belinda was progressing I got there just as she was starting to need a hand. By 5am the contractions were consistent and we were on our way to the Royal Women's.
I've seen some amazing physical feats in my time, but the courage and dedication shown by my amazing wife was something I never knew could happen. We both had minimal sleep and she was physically drained, but she did everything perfectly, as always. She's my rock, and if Edward picks up just 1% of his mother's courage, then look out world.
The staff here were full of praise for her, and the admiration is mutual. The fact that everything went so well was certainly partly the stars alligning in our favour (not all parents get the same luck of the draw, and for that we are grateful) but due largely to the extraordinary expertise and professionalism of the wonderful midwives here at the Women's. They somehow make an unforgettable experience even greater - thank you for putting up with my curiosity and for letting me be so hands on!
Right now I'm sitting here watching the rest of my family sleeping off their day, wondering what I did to deserve such a wonderful life, and barely able to contain my excitement, waiting to see what's next in this amazing adventure.

My first photo with Dad. Onesie by Bonds.
So. Here I am. For the record, i was 8lb 3oz and 51cm long.

This little blog tells the tales of my adventures.

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